What does it mean to rebut something?
to oppose using evidence or an argument
Which of the following choices is a sound argument?
All teachers wear vests. Mr. Gonzales does not wear a vest. Therefore, Mr. Gonzales is not a teacher.
How do you know which counterargument to address?
I select the strongest or the most popular counterargument
Statistics that are used to draw conclusions about larger groups are called __________.

An examination of a school handbook from a local public high school shows that the “expectations” of students are more like laws by which a citizen must abide to live in a society.

“Respect the teacher’s position as leader in the classroom . . . ” sounds like a statement of a tyrant. These “expectations” seem forced upon the students with no freedom. If schools want students to be successful citizens, they should allow students to take the courses they want and let them breathe.

Which change would make the evidence stronger?

supporting the anecdotal evidence with empirical evidence by examining a range of school handbooks from various public schools
What should you record on a note card if you’re using the index-card organizational system?
quotation, paraphrase, summary
How is fraud related to plagiarism?
Plagiarism is a kind of fraud.

Who may be held responsible if found to have plagiarized?

I. journalists and public figures

II. professors and instructors

III. students of any age

I, II, and III

How is media plagiarism different from academic plagiarism?

I. Media plagiarism involves professionals in a public forum.

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II. Academic plagiarism involves students in a school setting.

III. Media plagiarism involves only those who work on television.

I and II
Why should we all be concerned about plagiarism in the media?
It affects society’s trust in news outlets.

Which of the following does not require attribution?

I. information found in multiple sources

II. information directly observed

III. quotations from a public figures

I and II

Why is it wrong to plagiarize even if no one will find out?

I. It violates society’s ethical code.

II. It denies the author of earned credit.

III. It is dishonest and damages personal integrity.

I, II, and III
What is an in-text citation?
giving attribution within the sentence containing the source material

Which of the following activities are considered plagiarism?

I. presenting someone else’s work as your own

II. paraphrasing information but crediting the source

III. quoting someone without including quotation marks

I and III
When reading an article in a newspaper, readers __________.
expect the information to be accurate and properly credited
Which passage illustrates an in-text citation?
In his inspiring inaugural address, John F. Kennedy said, “[A]sk not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”
World literature texts come from a variety of ___________.
D. all of the above
The theme of this world literature unit is ______________.
B. self-discovery
Why does Ravan wear a disguise when he comes to Sita’s home?
C. He is able to trick her into inviting him in.
The study of effective writing and speaking while artfully using persuasion is known as __________.
A. rhetoric

Let us not discuss the economy of this country; let us also not discuss the spending habits of its citizens; and finally, let us not discuss the divide between the rich and poor; instead, let’s talk about the best restaurants.

Which type of rhetorical device is used in the above example?

B. apophasis
Which of the following scenarios would utilize traditional rhetoric as a means of persuasion?
B. a speech by a classmate who is running for student body president
During the 20th century, rhetoric came to mean more than just “the art of persuasion.” Which of following definitions correctly describes rhetoric’s broader meaning?
B. any communication used to modify the perspectives of others


Which component of a rhetorical argument is missing from the chart above?

B. Ethics (ethos)

All situations involving communication involve at least one of the following:

• an author with specific purposes, attitudes, and background
• ?
• a text in a particular medium, made with certain tools, and deciphered with certain tools
• a context in a particular time and place involving a certain community and conversation

One of the characteristics from the list above is missing. Which of the following phrases correctly completes the list?

B. an audience with equally specific purposes, attitudes, and background

Which type of reasoning is used in the following statement?

Kids like to play outside. Chase is a kid. Therefore, Chase likes to play outside.

D. deductive reasoning
Which of the following is NOT a main component of rhetoric?
B. legos

Which type of reasoning is used in the following statement?

The wrestlers I have seen are flexible. Therefore, all wrestlers must be flexible.

B. faulty reasoning

Read the sentence below and answer the question that follows.

If we do not act swiftly, we will be completely and utterly annihilated.

Which type of rhetorical device is used in the above sentence?

B. hyperbole

Tony escapes awkward situations with great ease and without notice. He is a Houdini.

What type of rhetorical device is used in the underlined sentence?

A. eponym

Band practice is at 7 a.m. before school. Max is a member of the school band. Max has band practice at 7 a.m. before school.

Which of the following choices accurately labels the elements of the above argument?

C. premise: Band practice is at 7 a.m. before school. Max is a member of the school band.
conclusion: Max has band practice at 7 a.m. before school.

All baseball players wear a uniform. Miguel is a baseball player.

Which of the following choices is the BEST conclusion to this argument?

A. Miguel wears a uniform.
Counselors have advised Queen Elizabeth to —
B. avoid crowds for fear of assassination
___________ help the group move towards a goal.
D. Task roles
How many stages of group development are discussed in the article “Groups that Work.”
C. 4
There are _________ types of roles in group work.
C. 3
Pooled resources and skills are ________________.
C. one advantage of working as a group
Expert power comes from __________.
A. having expert knowledge on a subject
The guidelines or expectations for team behavior are called ___________________.
C. team ground rules
_________________ help the group manage relationships
A. Social roles
Teams and groups tend to have very rigid rules and consequences.
_____________ do not contribute to effective group work.
B. Individual roles
“Maintain a 3.0” is an example of a ______________.
B. team rule
Group norms are _____________________.
B. general, informal standards for appropriate group behavior
“Susan, let’s not get upset about this. It doesn’t matter if the paper is blue or yellow. Let’s just have Michael decide; it’s part of his job assignment.”
Which group role does the statement above reflect?
B. Social
The consistent way you communicate with others in your group is your ___________.
B. role
Fran is doing a presentation on influential art from the Renaissance. Which type of presentation aid would be the best choice for Fran to use?
D. the object itself
Which of the following is an example of using a person as a presentation aid?
B. demonstrating the latest haircut techniques using a friend as a model
Which of the following is an example of a thesis statement?
B. Joining the Red Cross is a simple way to become more active in your community.
During the final development stage of a speech on a question of value you should ____________.
B. identify common ground before moving to differences
Demonstrating that your ideas are practical and reasonable is especially important when developing a speech on questions of _________.
B. policy
Regardless of the type of speech, it is important that your supporting materials are ________.
B. credible
“How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you couldn’t live without? Well, my cousin was five years old when he found out he needed a new kidney. He went on the organ waiting list right away. He was called twice during a six month span that they had a kidney available only to find out that the kidney wasn’t a good match. He had to wait again. The third time was a charm. A small adult was in an accident and his kidney was a good match. This story had a happy ending but so many do not.”
The statement above, from the speech “Organ Donation,” is an example of ____________.
B. attention getting material
Which of the following is a question of policy?
D. All of the above
How many types of persuasive speeches are there?
C. 3
Asking the question “Why is this true?” is a good way to generate _____________.
C. main ideas
To develop the main points for a speech on a question of value, you should ___________.
B. ask “Why is this good or bad”
Which of the following would be appropriate supporting materials to use in a persuasive speech addressing a question of fact?
A. statistics
Which of the following is a question of value?
B. “Is human cloning ethical?”
“Violence on television does not lead to violent behavior” is an example of a ___________.
C. thesis statement
“Does violence on television lead to violent behavior?” is an example of _____________.
C. a question of fact
When is the best time to make predictions about a text?
A. before reading
Which is a good strategy to use after you read to make sure you can remember the most important points?
A. summarizing
To make an inference about how Freddie felt about his visit to the hospital, which would you do?
A. Think about how I would feel.
When is the best time to ask the question, “What do I still want to know?”
C. After you read because you can think about what you learned and what you still want to know.
Metacognition is the awareness of one’s own learning and thinking.

Is the following sentence from paragraph 19 of the passage a fact or opinion?

“For now, the government allows it to be used only for minor surgeries
in the chest and stomach areas.”

A. fact
How does visualizing the section “A Surgical Robot” help you understand the passage better?
A. Having a mental picture of the robot helps me to understand the questions that Freddie asks later in the passage.
According to the passage, why won’t the robotic surgical system replace surgeons?
B. because the robotic arms need the guidance of a surgeon
What kind of graphic organizer would best help you organize the information in paragraphs 22 and 24?
D. an idea web
Why is Freddie watching a surgical procedure?
B. because he is writing an article about a new procedure that the hospital is using
Previewing the format, content and purpose of a text ______________.
D. all of the above
With which of the following statements would “John” likely agree?
D. All of the above.
“While I think learning a new language is one of the most exciting things about going abroad, I know many people would appreciate the comfort of easy communication while they are trying to adapt to a new culture in a place far from home. If this describes your personality, don’t worry! Two of the most popular study abroad destinations are Great Britain and Australia.”
In the passage, the author is arguing __________________.
B. that even students who do not speak a foreign language can study abroad
Which of the following arguments would you expect to read in “See the World! Study Abroad”?
D. There are many affordable study abroad options available to students.
What is the definition of ardent?
C. passionate
Asking yourself the question, “How can I best monitor and maintain my comprehension” is _________.
A. an important step in metacognition
The definition of ___________ is, “the money a student receives to help pay expenses while attending a university.”
D. financial aid
Which of these correctly identifies an argument and counterargument.
B. Argument: Experiencing a new culture will help you to understand the world.
Counterargument: It will be difficult and unpleasant to experience a new culture.
Which of the following counterarguments would you expect to find in the article “See the World! Study Abroad”?
B. Study abroad programs are not worth the cost.
“Because she’ll be ‘forced’ to jump in with both feet and learn, Sarah will find (with effort, of course!) she learns more of the language in her four month study abroad than she could have ever learned sitting in a classroom. It just makes sense that using a language everyday would help you to learn it quickly. And, Sarah was right on track to begin preparing for her trip by taking language classes before she left. Again, it is always better to plan ahead and prepare early!”
The author predicts ___________.
C. Sarah will quickly learn the language as she uses it frequently on her study abroad.
Identify the tone of the underlined word in the following sentence:
Your problems are always so dramatic and trivial!
( ‘…trivial!’ is underlined)
C. demeaning
Preview the following photo and caption. Identify the best title for text:
Jury box
Swearing in during Jury Selection
Juries and Court Cases
Juries around the United States
none of the above
A. Swearing in during Jury Selection
Identify the tone of the following underlined word in the sentence below.
My sister was fraught with emotion after she deleted her 20 page research paper.
( ‘..fraught..’ is underlined)
A. frustrated
According to the author what is the foundation of the jury system.
C. common sense and reasoned judgment of ordinary citizens
Identify the tone of the underlined word in the sentence below:
The ramifications of hitting your brother will be huge.
( ‘..ramifications..’ is underlined)
B. consequences
What is the main idea of the article “The Jury’s Out”?
A. Jury selection system in the US is unacceptable and steps need to be taken to assure fairness.
Identify the persuasive words in the following sentence:
The flight from jury duty on the part of millions of Americans is a serious threat to the future of the system.
D. A and B
While some 80 million Americans have been called for jury service at some part of their lives, fewer than half ever sat on a jury.
Preview the following photo and caption. Identify a goal setting you might use for the text:
Lawyer in front of a jury
What is the role of the lawyer in the jury system?
What does a jury do?
What is a lawyer?
none of the above
A. What is the role of the lawyer in the jury system?
Identify why American?s do not want to serve on a jury.
D. all of the above
Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows.
What question is not answered in the passage?
Who is Alex’s teacher?
What shapes can Alex identify?
How many colors can Alex identify?
Why might Alex have a bad attitude?
B. What shapes can Alex identify?
What is the best possible explanation for why the author does not explain what causes Hughes to become so strange?
C. The information was not available.
Which of the following an evaluation question?
D. all of the above
Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question below.
Based on your preview, what is the best goal-setting question for the passage?
A. How did Snowball help to catch a killer?
Directions: Read the passage, and answer the question that follows.
What is the best possible explanation for why the author waits so long to reveal that the babies had been switched?
A. to create suspense
Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows.
Which question is not answered in the passage?
What type of parrot is Alex?
Where is Alex studied?
How does Alex learn English?
How high can Alex count?
C. How does Alex learn English?
Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows.
Which is the best between-the-lines question to ask about the passage?
C. Why don’t female Asian elephants have tusks?
Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows.
What is a good beyond-the-text question for this passage?
D. all of the above
Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question that follows.
Based on your preview, what is an appropriate goal-setting question for the passage?
D. all of the above
Directions: READ the passage, and answer the question that follows.
What is a “between-the-lines” question to ask about the passage?
D. all of the above.
Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question that follows.
Based on your preview, what is the best goal-setting question for this passage?
C. What are the similarities and differences between Asian and African elephants?

Forensic Scientists

It is the job of law enforcement officials to arrest criminals. Then they must convince judges and juries “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the right person was arrested. According to this principle, the judge and jurors must be fairly confident, based on the evidence, that the accused person is guilty.

The work of forensic scientists begins with collecting the evidence at a crime scene. Along with police investigators, forensic scientists examine the crime scene.

Investigators must be careful not to upset anything at a crime scene. They must make sure nothing new is added. Every possible piece of evidence is photographed or videotaped before it can be taken away.

At a crime scene, investigators search for all the clues involved with the crime. They dust for fingerprints. They scrape up small bits of evidence using scalpels. Small, angled mirrors, like the ones dentists have, are used the see beneath heavy furniture. Tweezers are used to pick up fibers. Of course, investigators must be consistent when labeling where each piece of evidence was found before it is stored in a bag.

The evidence is then sent to forensic labs. At these labs, scientists administer tests to determine whether the evidence is connected to the crime. Forensic scientists look for answers to questions about how a crime occurred. Finding answers is the job—and ultimate reward—of a forensic scientist.

Which of these questions is answered in the reading?

C. What do investigators do at a crime scene?
Directions: QUICKLY skim the passage, and answer the question below.
Which is not a feature in the passage above which you can use to ask a goal-setting question?
D. header
A doctor must follow _______________ guidelines to protect his/her patient’s privacy.
D. ethics
A(n) ______________ evaluates those involved in trials.
A. forensic psychiatrist
When you create questions about a text, it is helpful to use _______________.
B. question words
The sentence, “While it may seem like psychiatrists help people ‘get away with murder’ or other violent crimes, in reality, they play an important role in the criminal trial process.” is the __________ of the essay.
A. conclusion
Which word (or phrase) should be emphasized in this sentence, to communicate the persuasive tone?
While it may seem like psychiatrists help people ‘get away with murder’ or other violent crimes, in reality, they play an important role in the criminal trial process.
C. in reality
What is the overall tone of Forensic Psychology and Ethics?
A. serious
Opinion is another word for ____________.
D. subjective
The question, “What is appropriate in the courtroom?” is an example of a(n) ____________.
C. open-ended question
Occasionally, forensic psychiatrists have ____________ which makes many people wonder if they should be allowed to testify.
D. made up a syndrome for the defendant
Which of the following is a consequence if a forensic psychiatrist lies in court?
A. He/She can be sent to jail.
Forensic psychiatrists can help juries ________________.
A. understand the defendant’s mental state
The author argues that testifying in court does not violate confidentiality rules because ____________.
B. the defendant knows that the results of the evaluation will be presented as evidence.
The author of Forensic Psychology and Ethics would most likely agree with which of the following statements?
B. There is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that psychiatric evaluations are scientifically valid.
Reasoning is _______________.
B. using logic to make a judgement based on evidence
“I don’t think that Cheetahs are cheating. And I am uncomfortable with the talk of cyborgs and transhumans that surrounds this case. These stories will get harder, not easier, over the next years.
But as a fan of Masazumi Soejima, I don’t think that racing on a separate track is an insult. It’s still the right place for the ‘fastest man on no legs.’ “Which statement correctly summarizes the author’s views on Oscar Pistorius using the “Cheetah” prosthesis to compete in the Olympics?

B. The author feels that Oscar Pistorius should not compete in the Olympics.
Misfortune is another word for __________.
B. adversity
The definition of ____________ is “a remarkable or outstanding person”.
D. phenom
Inferences must be supported by ____________.
B. evidence

Michael Sandel, author of “The Case Against Perfection,” warns that “part of what we admire about great athletes is that we are able to see ourselves in their human achievements.” Who would applaud the bionic Olympiad?

Based on the passage above, which statement correctly summarizes Michael Sandel’s feelings about technologically enhanced athletes?

B. Michael Sandel feels that using technology to enhance athletes takes away from the very things we admire about those athletes
What is the definition of “prosthesis”?
D. an artificial device used to replace a missing body part

“I take nothing away from the athleticism and grit of Soejima. But it goes without saying that he didn’t “beat” Cheruiyot. Those who compete on foot and those who compete with wheels are categorically different. And succeed in different categories.”

Based on the passage, what inference can you make about the author’s feelings about athletes like Masazumi Soejima?

B. She feels that athletes like Masazumi Soejima ought to compete in their own categories.
Because the article, “Bionic Athlete,” is an editorial, the reader can infer that ____________.
B. much of the article reflects the author’s opinion
“Some years ago, I questioned a beauty pageant in which the contestants had been surgically altered and implanted. They didn’t owe their beauty to their maker but, rather, to their re-maker.”
In this passage, the author compares _____________ to surgically altered beauty pageant contestants.
A. athletes who compete with technological assistance

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Rebuttal and Sound Argument.. (2018, Jan 22). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-english-iv-b/

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